February 11, 2008

Almost A Snow Day

Lightly fallen snow collects on the tree branches in Cottage Grove. While we are known for our snowy winters here in Minnesota, we've actually been spared from many snow storms this winter season. I took this photo back in mid to late December. It was the last time we've really had a snow storm to brag about. Since then however, we've had some of the coldest temperatures and wind chills since the early 1970's. The weather folk predicted -35 to -40 F for wind chills with an air temperatures of around -15 F. Back about five years ago, they changed the formula for wind chill. Now according to what I heard on the radio yesterday, if we were under the old formula, they would have said the wind chill was -60 to -70 F. They hadn't predicted temperatures that cold since the early 1970's.

Let me tell you this, I did make my way out into the brutally cold and windy night. If you read yesterday's post about the Wolfpack hockey game. When I left the stadium and made my way to my car , I thought my face was going to freeze! The wind, oh my the wind was bone chilling cold last night. Now the funny part was, I started my car and the DJ on the radio was saying that the people who believe in global warming must live in warm climate areas and have not lived through a Minnesota winter like tonight. I couldn't disagree with his line of thinking.

My Daily Photo Favorites: Quincy, Massachusetts | Budapest, Hungary | Larchmont, New York | Glasgow, Scotland | Torun, Poland | Sitka, Alaska

1 comment:

  1. "snowstorm to brag about..." Who brags, Slinger. I'm a winter spoil sport so I will make no more comments. The photo is lovely, however!!
