December 31, 2007

View From The Green Stairs Revisited

Back in April of 2007, I posted a daytime photo from this very location. I never thought it would make for a night time location to take a photo from. After looking at the results, I'm more than pleased with the results. The downtown you are looking at is St Paul. Not sure if you can make it out, but if you follow the street, across the bridge, you'll see a small white pointed dome, that is our State Capital Building. These green stairs are on the bluff of the West Side neighborhood.


December 30, 2007

This Cat's On A Hot Tin Roof

I didn't take too many Christmas themed photos this year. I was rather busy this last month of 2007. I do have one final Christmas photo to post. When we were putting lights on the Christmas tree, my cat named Ruby, felt he could use the heat of the lights to warm himself. I had plugged the lights into the socket to test them out, set them on the floor and left the room for about a minute. When I returned, the lights had a new occupancy. I even had move the cat off of the lights, but he insisted on using the lights to keep warm. I did see it as a goof photo opportunity, grabbed the camera and here is the result.

Two days left until we close the year 2007. Scary eh?

December 29, 2007

Landmark Sighting

The world famous, Mickey's Diner in downtown St Paul.

December 28, 2007

Vince Flynn

Born in St Paul, Minnesota, best selling author, Vince Flynn was at the Mall Of America to promote his new book 'Protect And Defend'. He first was interviewed on KFAN at the Mall Of America rotunda during the Dan Barreiro show that was there for the book signing. Once his radio interview was over, he then signed books to everyone in line starting at 6:30. When the radio show ended, I left the area and did some Christmas shopping as this event happened mid December. I passed by the area a few more times to see if Vince Flynn was still there signing books, sure enough he was. When I left, the line was snaked around a few times and then it shot down the hallway as far as I could see. Come 9:30, I pass by the area once again and I watched the last person in line get their book personally signed. I was amazed, he signed a book for everyone. Plus, there was a stack of about 50 books that were to be signed and sold at the local book store.

I'm really kicking myself for not getting a book signed by Vince. Here I am praising him for the time he put in for the book signing, as the event was scheduled for 6:30 to 8:00, yet he stayed double the amount of time. I was impressed by this and applaud him for doing so. I must have walked by five different times and said to myself to get in line and get a book signed, but I did not. In all honesty, I've heard him being interviewed quite a few times on KFAN, but I've never read any of his books, yet. He has gotten himself a new fan, I will get the book at some point and read my first Vince Flynn book.

Vince Flynn is in the center of the three people in the photo, Dan Barreiro is on the right wearing the hat, and his sidekick during the show named 'Fun' is to the left.


December 27, 2007

Hanging Around

More of the large bulbs that are hanging in the air at the Mall Of America. I really liked this one because of the squares of grass in the shot with the color red.

December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas To All

Between Thanksgiving and Christmas, every year for as long as I can remember, this 3M building in Maplewood has always displayed this light pattern to resemble a tree for the holidays. It's become a Twin Cities tradition that I look forward to each year. I've always wondered who is responsible for making sure the correct lights are on or off. Perhaps that task falls on the shoulders of who works in the room?

Merry Christmas to all from Twin Cities Daily Photo.

December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve Eve

Yesterday I heard the term "Christmas Eve Eve" said on the radio. I had never heard this term before and just find it kind of odd. I understand why it was said, but in all honesty, shouldn't we really refer it simply as December 23?

This tree is on display at the Mall Of America in the circle rotunda. It tops three stories high in it's height. The rotunda area has a fourth level of restaurants [which are currently closed and have been for about a year].

December 23, 2007

Classic Brass Inc Performs At MOA

Classic Brass Inc performed at the Mall Of America on December 12. They are a quintet of various brass instruments and played traditional Christmas melodies that evening. I've always enjoyed this kind of music since I was very young when I would see some of the members of Classic Brass Inc perform in the Minnesota Brass Drum and Beauty Corps. If you are able to see CBI perform someday, put in a request for the song "The Saints’ Hallelujah". I've heard them play it twice now and it's become one of my favorites. It's a great mix of two songs you're familiar with, a jazzy Saints Go Marching crossed with a traditional choir sound of Hallelujah.

December 22, 2007

Two Big Hanging Bulbs

These larger than life Christmas bulbs are hanging in the air at the Mall Of America in Bloomington. There are many more of them on display at various locations through out the mall. With the pattern of the ceiling, this location was my favorite in the large shopping complex.

My Daily Photo Favorites: Orlando, Florida | Budapest, Hungary | Torino, Italy

December 21, 2007

We Take Parking Seriously

I've always gotten a laugh out of the meter parking enforcement laws in St Paul. I took this photo along Kellogg Avenue in downtown. My car was the only vehicle that was parked along side the road on a Saturday afternoon. Do they really enforce the metered parking on a street that doesn't need to be enforced on a Saturday?

December 20, 2007

Change Directions

They turned part of the road in downtown St Paul into a skating rink. I was very surprised to see this when I took a walk downtown over the weekend. To my right is Land Mark Center. The brick building in straight ahead is The St Paul Hotel, straight down the sidewalk you would run into Rice Park and then the library to give the locals an idea where this is if you haven't seen it. It was a bit chaotic watch everyone skate. There were couples skating in opposite directions, people spinning in circles, people standing still just talking, and a couple kids chasing each other. I was waiting around waiting for people to crash into each other, but it never happened while I was there. If you're going to be nearby, throw your skates in the car.


My Daily Photo Favorites: Quincy, Massachusetts | Barton, Vermont | St Paul, Minnesota

Interesting Links Of the Day: The Best Notable Quotables of 2007 - The 20th Annual Awards for the Year's Worst Reporting | Mother Nature At It's Finest | Japanese IQ Test

Over, Finished, Done, Gone, Out!

About a two weeks after I took yesterday's photo, this photo was taken. It was the end of the number 31 car as it took a serious crash into the wall on turn number 3. This car was never to race again as the damage it received was to great to overcome. They suspect it was a deliberate push into the wall by one of the point leaders, but it went over looked by the officials. That's just the way it is in racing. The absolute bummer about this situation was, they were in need of a new motor for car 31. The week before it's final race, they replaced the motor finally. After a very expensive engine change, it too was destroyed leaving Turn-Key Racing without an engine and a car frame.

My Daily Photo Favorites: Oslo, Norway | Dunedin, Florida | Bucaramanga, Colombia | Cleveland, Ohio

Interesting Links Of the Day: Zip Code Finder | Know Your World Geography Game | Mega Penny Project | The Power Of 10

December 17, 2007

Go Speed Racer Go!

Our next theme day on January 1 will feature our "Photo of the year" from our 2007 postings. While I have not posted today's photo yet this year [until now], it is one of my personal favorites I've taken. Mainly because it was a very difficult shot to get, but it will not be my choice for photo of the year. There were many failed attempts to get this one shot. I had to try many different settings, learn how to pan and shot from where I was sitting without a tripod. I took about 20 shots on the night to get this one. It was also my second night at the races of shooting photos. I did learn, the shorter the exposure, the less chance of unwanted movement in the photo. My settings for this one ended up at f/2.8 and a shutter speed of 1/6 seconds.

   My Daily Photo Favorites: St Louis, Missouri | Riga, Latvia | Bastia, France | Chicago, Illinois | Ocean Township, New Jersey

December 15, 2007

Where Did It Come From

Kind of strange eh, an icicle growing out of a rock? I spotted this in Hastings along the Vermillion Falls. It must have been gravity and some dripping water down the side of the cliff that formed this strange piece of ice.

December 14, 2007

Office Or Apartments

What's your guess on the use of this building: Is it used for office space or has it been converted to apartments? The building location is downtown Minneapolis, but I don't know the function of the building. I really liked the front entrance and the brick pattern on the top of the building. Plus I just noticed that I've captured the reflection of a school bus in some of the windows.

My Daily Photo Favorites:

December 13, 2007

Cathedral From A Far

I've always wanted to take night photos of the Cathedral in St Paul, but until my cold, wintry night, I'd never taken the time to do so. Since it was in plain site from my vantage point, I took a couple of distant shots. I believe I used 4X zoom for the shot. It's a touch on the grainy side, but I'll live with the quality of it for what I take photos with. In the bottom right corner is the Science Museum of Minnesota. I'm not 100% sure, but I believe just to the left of the museum, is the 7 Corners Hardware store. Settings: f/5.6 3.22 sec Canon PowerShot A640

My Daily Photo Favorites: Jefferson City, Missouri | Buenos Aires, Argentina | Cape Town, South Africa

December 12, 2007

Tour Of The Cottage Grove Police Department

If you stopped by yesterday and saw the photo of the steel bars across the jail cell, here is why I was there. My son's Cub Scout den was there for a tour of the Police Department as one of the activities needed for a badge they were working on. Being as Cottage Grove is a very small city, the size of the police department is very small. They have two holding cells, but that's really all they are for. They hold the criminal until they process them and then they take them to the county jail or to the prison in Stillwater. There is a small lab for DUI and narcotic testing. One of the photos below shows a scale and a breathalyser for intoxication levels. The photo that has all of the bicycles in it, those are stolen bikes that were found and do not have a serial number ID on it. When they collect enough of them, they bring them to the county auction for selling.


Minneapolis, Minnesota - Chris's final post. You will be missed, but not forgotten.

My Daily Photo Favorites: Shanghai, China | Selma, North Carolina | Dallas, Texas | Barcelona, Spain | Wroclaw, Poland | Wassenaar, Netherlands

December 11, 2007

Twin Cities Daily Photo Goes To Jail

I made a visit to the Cottage Grove police department last week and was able to take this photos before I entered into the holding center behind bars. Yes, these are the cold steel bars of the jail cell and I did not scratch my initials into the green paint. The room dimension of the cell was about 7 foot by 8 foot. There was a stainless steel toilet and a mattress on a frame of concrete in the cell. Not your typical comfort of home.

December 10, 2007

Harriot Island At Night

I'm not sure if you can make it out, but look closely at the photo and you'll see the building I featured in yesterday's daily photo. It's there in the open field, near the almost frozen Mississippi River.

December 9, 2007

Bandshell Of Harriot Island

A close up of the main building on Harriot Island, a stones throw from downtown St Paul. I've posted a photo of this building in the past, but it was from the other side of the Mississippi River. Today's photo is from with in the Harriot Island park and the Mississippi River is completely on the other side of the building.

December 8, 2007

Does This Need A Crafty Post Title

I've seen funny foreign restaurant names posted around the internet before that were suggestive or a close to a dirty word, but never did I ever expect to see one around the Twin Cities. I hope some of you find the humor in the photo as I did when taking it.

My Daily Photo Favorites: Portland, Oregon | Nantes, France | Subang Jaya, Malaysia

December 7, 2007

Capital Building From A Distance

One of the Minnesota State Capital Building in St Paul from a good distance away. The river at the bottom is the Mississippi River with the newly built Mississippi Flats built along side the river bank.

My Daily Photo Favorites: American Folk, Utah | Kuwait City, Kuwait | Hyderabad, India

December 6, 2007

Whole City On Fire

I was reading the comments left by Fenix of Boston Daily Photo and had to laugh. He said yesterdays photo looks like the whole city was on fire. Throw in the smoke, I understand exactly what he is talking about. Today's photo is no different. It's from the same location as yesterdays and was actually my intended bridge that I was going to post a photo of. My intent was to take a photo of the Wabasha Street Bridge, from the High Bridge looking over the Mississippi River and getting a great reflection from the bridge lights. Well, the river was partly frozen and I thought I was dressed warm enough, but I was not and had to leave the High Bridge sooner than I wanted to because of the winds blowing across the bridge.

As I left the High Bridge, I took a quick photo of the bridge I left and that became my daily photo selection. I took this photo of the Wabasha Bridge from the bluff, but didn't use it as a bridge photo because will all of the scenery, I thought the bridge became lost in all of the city lights.

Too much information?

December 5, 2007

Cold And Windy Night

Another photo from my cold Friday evening series, about a mile from the theme day bridge photo, I snapped this photo of the "smoke factory". Actually it's an energy producing plant that spews non-toxic steam. The steam is there all year round, even on warm days, thus it's known as the "smoke factory". f/5.6 - 4.0 sec - iso 400

My Daily Photo Favorites: New York, New York | Montreal, Canada | Selma, North Carolina

Interesting Links Of the Day: Space Weather | Uranium Ore from Amazon [you have to read the comments] | Congratulations, you've made it

December 3, 2007

Behind The Scenes

I took this photo from my seats at the last Minnesota Wild hockey game. Our opponent for the evening was the Vancouver Canucks. It's my favorite rivalry to watch and every game is a close one. The FSN North sports network has been broadcasting their shows directly behind my seats for the Wild games. It's kind of fun to watch and when the announcers are waiting for the period or the game to end, they like to stand behind my seats to watch the game. I've chatted with them a few times and they all like to kid around and seam eager to talk with you. The announcer you see behind the desk is Anthony LaPanta.

My Daily Photo Favorites: Minneapolis, Minnesota | San Francisco, California | St Paul, Minnesota

December 2, 2007

Snow Daze In The Twin Cities

It's officially winter here in the Twin Cities. About 6-10 inches of snow fell around here today marking the largest snowfall this early in December since 1991, during our famous Halloween storm. Those of us who were here remember the 30 inches of snow that fell and the havoc it caused for days.

My Daily Photo Favorites: Sharon, Connecticut | New York, New York | Sydney, Australia

Interesting Links Of the Day: Improv Everywhere | Founding Fathers | Icon Story

December 1, 2007

Theme Day: Bridges

For the December theme day, I had to use the bridge that is closet to where I grew up as a child. This is the Smith Avenue bridge, or National Bridge Number ID #62090, but us locals officially call it and it's known as "The High Bridge". Why that name? At a height of 160 feet, it is the tallest bridge in Minnesota. It has an incredible slope to it, I've been trying to find the height at each end, but I cannot find that information. It is however quite a challenge to ride a bicycle up it at a length of 2,760 feet. I took this photo about two hours ago, the temperature here is about 14 degrees, with the winds blowing at 10 miles per hour. That made for a VERY chilly time while trying to snap a photo. Take note of the Mississippi River, there is a layer of ice on the water on some of it.

To view bridges from the other City Daily Photo participants, select the cities listed below the photo.

f/5.6 - 4 sec

Boston (MA), USA - San Diego (CA), USA - Stayton (OR), USA - New York City (NY), USA - Portland (OR), USA - Montego Bay, Jamaica - Inverness (IL), USA - Singapore, Singapore - Stockholm, Sweden - Setúbal, Portugal - Brussels, Belgium - Phoenix (AZ), USA - Seattle (WA), USA - Hyde, UK - Manila, Philippines - Fort Lauderdale (FL), USA - London, England - Austin (TX), USA - Toulouse, France - Weston (FL), USA - Sesimbra, Portugal - Selma (AL), USA - Silver Spring (MD), USA - Saarbrücken, Germany - Cleveland (OH), USA - Crystal Lake (IL), USA - American Fork (UT), USA - Seoul, South Korea - Kyoto, Japan - Tokyo, Japan - Norwich (Norfolk), UK - North Bay (ON), Canada - Arradon, France - Paderborn, Germany - Durban, South Africa - Philadelphia (PA), USA - Cypress (TX), USA - Cottage Grove (MN), USA - Prague, Czech Republic - Portland (OR), USA - Greenville (SC), USA - Boston (MA), USA - Port Angeles (WA), USA - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Wichita (Ks), USA - Saint Paul (MN), USA - Petaling Jaya (Selangor), Malaysia - Grenoble, France - New York City (NY), USA - Nottingham, UK - Hobart (Tasmania), Australia - Arlington (VA), USA - Minneapolis (MN), USA - Miami (FL), USA - Cheltenham, UK - Albuquerque (NM), USA - Saratoga Spgs. (NY), USA - Las Vegas (NV), USA - Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Nashville (TN), USA - Toruń, Poland - New Orleans (LA), USA - Port Elizabeth, South Africa - Melbourne, Australia - Moscow, Russia - Trujillo, Peru - Château-Gontier, France - Quincy (MA), USA - Melbourne, Australia - Port Vila, Vanuatu - Joplin (MO), USA - Bellefonte (PA), USA - Brookville (OH), USAChateaubriant, France - Chandler (AZ), USA - Stavanger, Norway - Baziège, France - Auckland, New Zealand - Wellington, New Zealand - Ocean Township (NJ), USA - Subang Jaya (Selangor), Malaysia - Detroit (MI), USA - Riga, Latvia - Nelson, New Zealand - Budapest, Hungary - Cape Town, South Africa - Sydney, Australia - Dunedin (FL), USA - Sofia, Bulgaria - Radonvilliers, France - Turin, Italy - Montpellier, France - Kansas City (MO), USA - Minneapolis (MN), USA - Haninge, Sweden - Wailea (HI), USA - Lubbock (TX), USA - Rabaul, Papua New Guinea - Terrell (TX), USA - Mexico City, Mexico - Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation - Budapest, Hungary - Montréal (QC), Canada - Sharon (CT), USA - Le Guilvinec, France - Jefferson City (MO), USA - Saigon, Vietnam - London, UK - Crepy-en-Valois, France - Orlando (FL), USA - Maple Ridge (BC), Canada - Paris, France - Mainz, Germany - Newcastle (NSW), Australia - Wassenaar (ZH), Netherlands - Menton, France - Monte Carlo, Monaco - Darmstadt, Germany - Naples (FL), USA - Torino, Italy - Saint Louis (MO), USA - Bogor, Indonesia - The Hague, Netherlands - Minneapolis (MN), USA - Anderson (SC), USA - Melbourne (VIC), Australia - West Sacramento (CA), USA - Christchurch, New Zealand