November 30, 2007

Broken Glass, Every Where

Okay, glass isn't everywhere, but there is a pile of it there in the parking lot. $7.00 dollars for all day parking. Why does this seam very low priced for downtown parking in Minneapolis?


  1. I like very much the contrast. The old church in front and the modern building behind!

  2. I also like the church. $7 to park? I may have to take the bus.

  3. Not too bad a price for parking. The broken glass on the lot is telling...

  4. Everything is relative, I guess. Most parking in NYC is $15-$25/day on outdoor lots and $45/day for garage parking.

    I thank God everyday I don't own a car. :-)

  5. Fell across your page - I used to park there often when I worked a block away from that lot. As long as you get there before 7:45A you can grab a good space for $7 all day. The attendant is really cool.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. That is my Church. We lease the parking to another company during the week. Yes your car will probably get broken into if you leave stuff visible on the seats. That's downtown for ya. to learn more about the church.
