October 28, 2007

Make Like A Tree, And Leaf

Yep, it's fall here, the leaves are changing fast. This photo was taken about a week ago. Since then, about half of the leaves have fallen off the tree and it's becoming more bare by the day. I think I hear my rake calling me.

My 3 Daily Photo Favorites:


  1. Great automn colors. Lovely photo!

  2. oh, the beautiful fall leaves. I miss that so much now that I live here in TX (grew up in NC). I even miss raking. Really!

    Thanks for visiting Seguin. It's fun to catch up on all the wonderful pictures everyone snaps!

  3. oh, the beautiful fall leaves. I miss that so much now that I live here in TX (grew up in NC). I even miss raking. Really!

    Thanks for visiting Seguin. It's fun to catch up on all the wonderful pictures everyone snaps!

  4. Beautiful! I love this time of year, except for the constant yard clean up. I do not rake often anymore. I just mulch those leaves with the mower. I may mow my yard twice to pulverise them leaves, sure beats raking. And the extra walking behind the mower is good excercise for me. ;)
