October 14, 2007

Lazy Sunday Afternoon

On August 1st, the City Daily Photo community had a typical breakfast theme day. I elected to post a photo of one of my cats drinking coffee out of my cup. Today I'm expanding on that theme and showing a typical lazy Sunday, again of my cat. Being as today is Sunday, it's very appropriate to show a follow up photo isn't it?

My 3 Daily Photo Favorites:
Port Vila, Vanuatu
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Sacramento, California


  1. Although I'm allegic to cats, I do understand that they are champions at relaxation, rest, sleep, whatever you want to call it. This is a great photo.

  2. Thats usually what I look like on Sunday afternoon.

  3. Hi Slinger. Since you like cats and so do I, I am tagging you for 8 Random Things about Yourself. Check out my Sunday post at Selma, Ala., Daily Photo for instructions.

  4. This is what cats do best!
    great shot!!
