I was in Ely, Minnesota a few weeks ago. While listening to one of their radio stations, their slogan was 'the end of the road radio'. I thought of that radio slogan when I took this photo for the theme day. I was at the end of a road in Cottage Grove along Highway 61. In the distance you can see the
sign for Cottage View Drive In theater.
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I've never seen road signs like those before. Neat photo!
Fuuny road signs! Nice shot!
Maraï from Brisbane
Clever idea for the red theme day.
Fun photo, slinger!! Love it!!
Yup...that the end. Nice shot.
Super end of the road photo. Great choice.
Excellent idea...great photo!
End of the road. In red. Nice shot too.
Abraham Lincoln
—Me as Moses—
love these red signs
funny signs...and good choice for the Theme day:)
No signs like these ones in France, very good choice. Have a nice Sunday!
Une belle photo, tres graphique, et tres minimaliste. bravo
A beautiful photograph, very graphic, and very minimalist. cheer
Are you trying to tell us something? ;-)
I love you sky photos as well!
Neat that you found these signs!
Did you meet Bob Dylan on the highway?
That is part of the famous Highway 61 that Bob Dylan sings about.
I like your picture, But could you please tell me what those road signs are, I'm very perplexed! Also, i like how you linked to an earlier photo, just gave a lot more lift to the picture knowing whats at the back..
Yasser Rahman,
Like my description says, I'm at the end of a road, these signs are just warning signs that alert you to not go any further with your vehicle as the road ends right there.
Never seen road signs very red like that before. Excellent theme's photo.
Interesting road signs! And neat photo! :)
Normally I see Yellow signs used in that sort of location so the Red really stand out. No excuse if you don't see them.
Silver Spring Daily Photo
Are those red squares reflectors? I assume there is a street directly in front of the reflectors so people don't drive straight into the field.
Beautifully graphic image!
stop by 3. A rare photo.
I am so glad for your visit and thank you very much for your commentaries.
I hope I have the opportunity to show, in person, the wonders of Mexico city.
Just like The Traveling Wiburys song, "End of the Line". I love it.
Beatiful red sign. Nice shot! Loving it!
Very catchy and nice. BTW thanks for your comments on my new born Toulouse DPB
I guess the road sign means stop because it is there to replace traffic lights.Well,who knows?
Good shot, it's great that the signs confused a lot of your readers!
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