Okay wait a second, that might be stretching the truth a bit. Honestly, I wasn't expecting to see the top of the State Capital building in St Paul from where I was standing for this shot. There it was and I'll take it.
Now that spring has arrived, I've been trying to get more color into the photos I'm posting. When I've had to get my color photo fix over the winter I often visited Isabella's Daily Photo site down in Naples, Florida. The colors in nearly all of her photos can only be found in the Twin Cities for about three weeks out of the year before the cold, snow and winter return.
There is some color in this photograph. It could be in Florida even. Well, maybe not Florida. It is a nice photograph. And the narrative is very interesting.
I am as surprised to see that classic dome amidst the skyscrapers as I am to see my link!
Thanks for visiting Naples and I can honestly say that your photo today displays many colors of Florida...NOT!
(but hey,it just makes those 3 weeks of summer so much more enjoyable, right? ;-)
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