April 23, 2007

1 Year Anniversary For Twin Cities Daily Photo

Today is officially one full year of the Twin Cities Daily Photo. I've really enjoyed getting out and seeing the Twin Cities in a way that I wasn't seeing the Twin Cities.

I took this photo in the fall of 2006. It was during my son's football practice. It was their final day of football and they were playing a game of flag football. It his grade, the do not put the pads on and play a real game, that will be next fall. My son is actually not in this photo, but I liked the angle and the trees in the background.


  1. Congratulations on your first year anniversary. So do you still enjoy your DPblog as much as ever?
    Sorry your Wild were eliminated. I am from near Vancxouver and am rooting for the Canucks against Dallas. We were leading the series 3-1 and now we are struggling. Tommorrow is game 7. Crossing everything I've got two of!

  2. Well, congratulations. I don't think about 100 in anything. I have my own problems getting to age 73 and my wife, getting her to 71.

    I like your 2006 photo too.

    Abraham Lincoln
    Brookville Daily Photo

  3. Congratulations! Are you heading strong into Year 2?

  4. Minneapolis congratulates you on this big milestone!
    Look forward to meeting you in a couple weeks!

  5. Congrats on making it to one year, looking forward to the next.

    Silver Spring Daily Photo

  6. Congratulations you two. I should visit your blog more often, you have some really cool photos.

    Best of luck for the 365 next photos...

  7. congratulations and best wishes from Hyde DP

  8. Susan: Despite the Wild's quick exit from the playoffs, they were a lot funner to watch this year versus last year. The do need a couple more key players before they can go deep into the playoffs again. But they are improving their younger players. I will root for any team in the Northwest division, EXCEPT for Calgary, I don't care for them. So yeah, go Canucks!

    Thank you everyone for your words of encouragement. I wanted to get a domain name a long time ago, but I made myself wait for almost a year to see if I still enjoyed doing this after a few months. So I have the domain, I enjoy doing this, taking photos and learning more about where I live.

    So I've made the big commitment and I plan to keep this hobby of mine going strong into the next year. I still need to get my camera fixed as I was just getting into the night time photography when I broke the LCD screen. Currently I can only take photos on the 'auto' setting and guess if all went well or not. I'm saving for a camera replacement and I'm close to my goal.

  9. Happy 1st year birthday/anniversary! It's been a great year exploring the city, hasn't it? Hope you discover more great things.

  10. felicitation pour cet anniversaire, bravo et surtout bonne continuité

    congratulation for this birthday, cheer and especially good continuity

  11. bonne anniversaire...

    a prestu è amicizia...

  12. Happy 1st anniversary for you two. Congratulations!

  13. Sorry I'm in late. Anyway I don't want to miss to celebrate your first year on DP me too, so... Congratulation from Torino !!!
