March 2, 2007

Snow-mageddon Sets Into The Twin Cities

Today I heard on my morning drive into work, the DJ was poking fun at the weather boy forecaster on how they have been overselling the weather lately. I was glad I was not the only one who was thinking this. The morning DJ went to a weather break and introduced the upcoming weather forecast as the "snow-mageddon" weather forecast. It made my day complete and it was just getting started.

So yeah, the snow-mageddon forecasters were correct on the pending storm was going to be quite a snow storm. They for once were correct! School closing, people leaving work early. It's a lot to deal with and it's more snow than we've had in quite some time.

Today's photo is a split screen photo. I snapped the frame on the left Sunday just after midnight. The frame on the right was about 30 minutes ago. I photo chopped them together so you can see the difference from the snow piles in my driveway from today versus five days ago. My back is killing me as my snowblower is currently not work, thus I hand shoveled that entire pile you can see on the right. Keep in mind, there is an equal matching snow mound on the left.

By the way, it's still snowing and an expected 3-7 more inches of snow by morning. This means I will be shoveling more snow....go me!


  1. Great shot !
    I love the snow-covered landscapes

  2. Oh, I like it so much!
    Don't get too tired then, it seems you'll have a lot of snow to pick up!

  3. Looks like snow is THE big thing in Minnesota these days (see Mineapolis Daily Photo too) !

  4. I do what I can to help shovel, but my back screams for mercy after just a short time. Today our neighbor used his blower on about 1/3 of our driveway which helped a lot.

  5. le montage et les photos sont superbes. Impressionnante toutes cette neige....
    Je vous souhaite un bon weekend

    the assembly and the photographs are superb. Impressive all this snow…. I wish you a good weekend
