March 28, 2007

From The Park

Standing in Rice Park located in downtown St Paul, I turned around and there was the 1st National Bank building nestled between two buildings. I really love the three different contrasts between the three buildings.


  1. what a nice finding! I like it!

  2. hey-nice shot! Almost as if the old building is parting the curtains and exclaiming, "don't forget about me!"

  3. Nice composition! You're right about the contrasts, also. Nice job.

    PS Have I told you that often I have a difficult time leaving comments on your posts? Can't figure out why.

  4. Thank you for the feedback. This is one of my favorite photos of the year.

    I'm not sure, I did change the comments to word verification because I was being spammed on a nightly basis. I will try taking that off and see if the spammer has gone away.
