February 7, 2007

Hit The Lights

I believe this was a five second exposure time while on the highway one evening. I've been experimenting with this type of shot from time to time and pretty much like how this one turned out. I've had better and I've had much worse.


  1. wow, it's a great effect! But don't drive at the same time!!

  2. Oh come on....driving at the same time is part of the adventure!
    Gotta love experimentation!!
    I particularly like the effect of the green freeway sign-very cool!

  3. guilty. I have a lot of drive by shootings, I mean, I take photos while driving quite often. I know my camera settings are usually where I need them to be for most shots. It's not any worse than one talking on their cell phone.

    I tool like the green freeway sign, it actually wasn't the best turnout as far as the light trails go, but it stood out from all the others, so it was selected.
