December 16, 2006

Lack Of Snow Here This Winter

So far this winter here in Minnesota I've seen a couple of snow flakes falling, but nothing that is typical of a Minnesota snow storm. I do believe this is the third winter in a row that we've been flirting with no snow on the ground at Christmas time. Personally I don't mind, but I work with a bunch of people who are snow mobile owners. The depression in their voices over the lack of snow, to me, makes me laugh. Since I have not been able to post any snow photos, I thought I would post one from snow storm from last March. This is a shot of my neighbors back yard and their cloths lines collecting the snow. I thought it made a great shot of the joys of snow.


  1. It's 45 degrees over there? Geepers. Do you think you're going to have a mild winter this year, or a big dumping in May? Last year my parents were complaining that Yokohama was colder than Minnesota for something like 3-6 weeks in a row.

  2. photo tres impressionnante et vraiment superbe. Bravo

    very impressive and really superb photograph. Cheer

  3. I'd like to see this happen again this year....after I leave for Mexico!

  4. Wow, what a gorgeous photo!

  5. beautiful!!!
    i miss snow too.
    but in shanghai, it wont snow.
    have a nice day

    shanghai daily photo

  6. What a tease! I'd like to see this really happen... then it can get warm again and all go away. :-)

  7. Brrrrr! It's cold outthere! Wonderful photo!
    I like snow too!

  8. Thanks for the feedback everyone. The one thing that was nice about this snowstorm was I had to take a snow day from work!.

    I'm not sure if it's a mind game or what, but since we have no snow on the ground, it doesn't seam to be that cold here. I know soon as we finally get some snow, it will feel colder like it should.

  9. What a horrible thing a lack of snow is.

  10. I love snow, there's nothing prettier. :) Love this shot!

    Glasgow, Scotland DP
