Same location as yesterday's photo in Hastings, but the focus is on the High Water Mark sign. If you look close there is a squiggly blue line above the '18 April 1965' portion of the sign post. That is how high the water of the Mississippi Rose rose to at it's peak during that seasons floods. I left the light and the sitting bench in the photo so you have something to compare the height of the water mark. One thing to keep in mind, from the top of the walking path in the photo to the actual running water in the river is about a 15 foot drop.
interressant. A Evry on a la Seine qui passe, mais on a de la chance, sur cette partie , elle deborde rarement.
interressant. In Evry one in the Seine which passes, but there is chance, on this part, it seldom overflows.
Lovely to have a comparative photo. Shame the old lamp doesn't seem to be there now.
If you maximize the photo, the sign is quite clear. That was a bad time for those living in the flood plain,too.
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