December 7, 2006

Fall Colors In Hastings

Photo of the river bridge as you leave or enter Hastings. This bridge crosses the Mississippi River and waaaaaay in the background on the right side of the river is a lock and damn, I believe it's number 4. This photo was from a month ago when the fall colors were just about at peak.


  1. What a charming photo. Looks like a postcard. Very nice shot!

  2. panorama et photo superbe. j'adore les couleurs de l'automne, et grace aux blogs DP je peux en profiter

    panorama and superb photograph. I adore the colors of the autumn, and thanks to blogs DP I can benefit from it

  3. Wonderful shot of the bridge!! Clear and very picturesque!! Guess I'll have to make a luncheon date there soon.
