You see, I'm a bit troubled by the words Sheriff and Pott, not to mention Keep Pott on a political sign. Sheriff Pott is up for re-election in my county and for some reason, I believe this guy will win based on his name. Maybe it's just me, but I laugh when I see these campaign signs in yards.
I know nothing about Sheriff Pott and I don't know if I'll vote for him, but I will get out and vote on Tuesday, make sure you do too. Then finally, these horrid political commercials will end!
Yes, I'll be glad when it's over and there are no more commercials, especially the horrid political commercials they leave on my answering machine! What an invasion of privacy!
Knowledge, of the issues and candidate stances on the issues, is obviously the best approach for deciding how to vote. However, void of knowledge I say humor is the second best method to decide. As a result I would vote for Pott.
What is it with these names. The guy most likely to win as Sheriff in our town is named Doc Holiday. Remember the famous one from Wild West Days? Wyatt Earp said of him, "He was the most skillful gambler, and the nerviest, fastest, deadliest man with a six-gun I ever saw."
I don't know if the same can be said about our Doc Holiday.
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