October 2, 2006

You Can Call Me Ray

I recall a commercial with the title line in it....you can call me Ray or you can call me Jay....I'll have to think on this one or google search it. I know it was for some product, perhaps a beer commercial of some sort. Heck, it was 25-30 years ago when I last saw the commercial.

Anyway, this sunset was from about a month ago. I was at my sons soccer game, it was almost the end of the game, the sky was getting dark. I look over my shoulder and see this brilliant sun ray. Actually there are several sun's rays shining through. I was so happy I brought my camera that evening. Dang those big ugly power lines for getting in the way of my photo.


  1. wonderful sunset! Its great that your son plays soccer.:) It i the real football!

  2. Good capture, Slinger!

  3. Actually, those power lines kind of provide some scale to this gorgeous photo. I don't mind them.
