Now I see why they painted the green stairwell green, it blends in with the rest of nature quite well. The building you see, is built into the side of the bluff. It has been many different establishments over the years. From what know, it's been a couple different restaurant, dance hall several times, winery, a hide out for gangsters, including I believe John Dillinger or at least that time frame. It's probably been a whole lot more that I'm not aware of. From my understanding, there is quite a set of caves dug into the sandstone bluffs it sits into.
Is this by any chance Wyzetta(sp?)/Minnetoka way?
I didn't give a location, silly me. These stairs are in the West Side neighborhood, on Wabasha Street, just south of downtown St Paul.
Ooops, then I don't know this one. There was a restaurant Minnetonka way that was supposed to be a mine of some soft - you get into these carts from the enterance and supposedly go 'down'.... We had the senior prom dinner party there. Or, it might have been the prom itself. I don't remember now. Was it the prom at all???
Nice greens with the clear blue sky:D
I work across the street from these stairs!
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