August 12, 2006

Final Four Minneapolis Regionals

I took this photo this past March 2006 from the Final Four Regionals in Minneapolis. Not sure how many photos I took that day, but when I looked them over that evening, to my surprise I had this gem of a photo. I know a couple of daily photo blogs have a contest where you write a caption that goes with the photo. This is one of them photos that should have it's own caption contest because I still laugh when I look at it. If you don't see the humor in this photo, take a closer look by clicking on the photo to make it larger.


  1. Ballhead. Ballface. Nah, someone with wit required...

  2. about "Look Ma, no Head?"

  3. about, "Look at me! I'm so big...THUNK!"
    Gee, I wish somebody else would post another caption so I could read it....

  4. "My Life as a Basketball-Headed Freak." OK, I'll stop now. (see what you started, Meg!!)

  5. keep them coming! these are great!

  6. Hi, Cristina. I know, I check this every so often to hope to find hilarious stuff. The photo is just too good.

    Hi, Slinger and Mrs Slinger of Twelve Years; sorry to barge in (get it?) to your place to meet with a new friend. Yesterday I backtracked your blog to find the original basketball post, and as Kiwis say, the ballhead is HEEEEEAAAAAAPPPPS better. But I almost got teary at the underpass on Kellogg - one of those places I remember so well but NEVER imagined I'd see again unless I went back to the Twin Cities - before that, too, is demolished and modernised.

    OK, so not having gray sells like Cristina's, I'm really no good at captions, but see the guy in the dark suit? His head almost seems like it's floating off his body, and his body is too small for his shoulders. He looks kinda like a Jimmy Carter death mask.

  7. Very funny, Meg, but I can't figure out which one is the guy in the dark suit.

    Hey, how about, "My Mom Married a Basketball from Outer Space!"

  8. "My family went to Minneapolis without me and all they got me was this dumb basketball!"

  9. "YO--DUNK THIS!!"

  10. "NCAA Suspects Foul Play in Minneapolis"
    Hey--where's Kate??

  11. The guy in the dark suit is the one whose head is just above the basket. You know, with the Jimmy Carter hair.
