August 11, 2006

Casual Friday

This photo was taken at the Minnesota Zoo this summer. He's just laying around in the grass, by the water keeping cool, doing what he does best, while we all walk around, looking at the animals.


  1. What an unusual shot. Looks headless! The green is lush as always looks after a good rain.

  2. hmm what animal is that? Looks like a horse?

  3. well, ummm, errr, I, I, I, ummmm....I can't recall. I sat there last night trying to think what animal it was and I just don't know exactly. So that is why my write up is rather strange [or at least to me] I refered to it as a 'he' instead of what it was. The truth can be rather silly eh?

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  5. I thought it was a donky's head, but couldn't figure out where the rest of him/her is!

  6. A tree stump/rock with two birds sitting on top?

  7. I thought the Corleone family had come visiting...
